Package: lavaan 0.6-20.2206
lavaan: Latent Variable Analysis
Fit a variety of latent variable models, including confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling and latent growth curve models.
lavaan.pdf |lavaan.html✨
lavaan/json (API)
# Install 'lavaan' in R: |
install.packages('lavaan', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
- Demo.growth - Demo dataset for a illustrating a linear growth model.
- Demo.twolevel - Demo dataset for a illustrating a multilevel CFA.
- FacialBurns - Dataset for illustrating the InformativeTesting function.
- HolzingerSwineford1939 - Holzinger and Swineford Dataset
- PoliticalDemocracy - Industrialization And Political Democracy Dataset
Last updated 2 days agofrom:3ec08ea0a6. Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Date |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Oct 11 2024 |
R-4.5-win | OK | Oct 11 2024 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Oct 11 2024 |
R-4.4-win | OK | Oct 11 2024 |
R-4.4-mac | OK | Oct 11 2024 |
R-4.3-win | OK | Oct 11 2024 |
R-4.3-mac | OK | Oct 11 2024 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Bootstrapping a Lavaan Model | bootstrapLavaan bootstrapLRT |
Fit Confirmatory Factor Analysis Models | cfa |
Demo dataset for a illustrating a linear growth model. | Demo.growth |
Demo dataset for a illustrating a multilevel CFA. | Demo.twolevel |
Exploratory Factor Analysis | efa rotation |
Extract Empirical Estimating Functions | estfun.lavaan lavScores |
Dataset for illustrating the InformativeTesting function. | FacialBurns |
Fit Measures for a Latent Variable Model | fitindices fitMeasures fitmeasures fitMeasures,lavaan-method fitmeasures,lavaan-method |
Utility Functions For Covariance Matrices | char2num cor2cov getCov |
Fit Growth Curve Models | growth |
Holzinger and Swineford Dataset (9 Variables) | HolzingerSwineford1939 |
Testing order/inequality Constrained Hypotheses in SEM | InformativeTesting informativetesting |
Methods for output InformativeTesting() | plot.InformativeTesting print.InformativeTesting |
Observed Variable Correlation Matrix from a Model and Data | inspectSampleCov |
Utility Functions: Constraints | lav_constraints_parse lav_partable_constraints_ceq lav_partable_constraints_ciq lav_partable_constraints_def |
lavaan data functions | lav_data_update |
lav_export_estimation | lav_export_estimation |
Utility Functions: Gradient and Jacobian | lav_func_gradient_complex lav_func_gradient_simple lav_func_jacobian_complex lav_func_jacobian_simple |
Utility Functions: Matrices and Vectors | lav_matrix_antidiag_idx lav_matrix_bdiag lav_matrix_commutation lav_matrix_commutation_mn_pre lav_matrix_commutation_post lav_matrix_commutation_pre lav_matrix_commutation_pre_post lav_matrix_cov lav_matrix_diagh_idx lav_matrix_diag_idx lav_matrix_duplication lav_matrix_duplication_ginv lav_matrix_duplication_ginv_post lav_matrix_duplication_ginv_pre lav_matrix_duplication_ginv_pre_post lav_matrix_duplication_post lav_matrix_duplication_pre lav_matrix_duplication_pre_post lav_matrix_lower2full lav_matrix_orthogonal_complement lav_matrix_symmetric_sqrt lav_matrix_trace lav_matrix_upper2full lav_matrix_vec lav_matrix_vech lav_matrix_vechr lav_matrix_vechru lav_matrix_vechru_idx lav_matrix_vechru_reverse lav_matrix_vechr_idx lav_matrix_vechr_reverse lav_matrix_vechu lav_matrix_vechu_idx lav_matrix_vechu_reverse lav_matrix_vech_col_idx lav_matrix_vech_idx lav_matrix_vech_reverse lav_matrix_vech_row_idx lav_matrix_vecr |
lavaan model functions | lav_model_get_parameters lav_model_implied lav_model_set_parameters lav_model_vcov_se |
lavaan partable functions | lav_partable_add lav_partable_attributes lav_partable_complete lav_partable_df lav_partable_from_lm lav_partable_independence lav_partable_labels lav_partable_merge lav_partable_ndat lav_partable_npar lav_partable_unrestricted |
lavaan samplestats functions | lav_samplestats_from_data |
Fit a Latent Variable Model | lavaan |
Class For Representing A (Fitted) Latent Variable Model | anova,lavaan-method coef,lavaan-method fitted,lavaan-method fitted.values,lavaan-method lavaan-class logLik,lavaan-method nobs nobs,lavaan-method predict,lavaan-method resid,lavaan-method residuals,lavaan-method show,lavaan-method summary,lavaan-method update,lavaan-method vcov,lavaan-method |
Fit List of Latent Variable Models | cfaList lavaanList semList |
Class For Representing A List of (Fitted) Latent Variable Models | coef,lavaanList-method lavaanList-class summary,lavaanList-method |
Polychoric, polyserial and Pearson correlations | lavCor |
lavaan Export | lavExport |
Inspect or extract information from a fitted lavaan object | inspect lavInspect lavTech |
Inspect or extract information from a lavaanList object | lavListInspect lavListTech |
lavaan matrix representation | lavMatrixRepresentation |
lavaan Names | lavaanNames lavNames |
lavaan Options | lavOptions lavoptions |
Predict the values of latent variables (and their indicators). | lavPredict lavpredict |
Predict the values of y-variables given the values of x-variables | lavPredictY |
Determine an optimal lambda penalty value through cross-validation | lavPredictY_cv |
Residuals | lavResidual lavResiduals |
lavaan frequency tables | lavTables |
Pairwise maximum likelihood fit statistics | lavTablesFit lavTablesFitCf lavTablesFitCm lavTablesFitCp |
Test of exact fit | lavTest lavtest |
LRT test | anova lavLRT lavLRTTest lavTestLRT lavtestLRT LRT |
Score test | lavScoreTest lavTestScore lavtestscore Score score |
Wald test | lavTestWald lavtestwald lavWaldTest Wald wald |
The Lavaan Model Syntax | lavaanify lavParseModelString lavParTable lavPartable lavpartable model.syntax parseModelString |
Modification Indices | modificationIndices modificationindices modindices |
mplus to lavaan converter | lavImport mplus2lavaan |
Convert Mplus model syntax to lavaan | mplus2lavaan.modelSyntax |
Parameter Estimates | parameterEstimates parameterestimates |
Parameter Table | parameterTable parametertable parTable partable |
Industrialization And Political Democracy Dataset | PoliticalDemocracy |
Fit Structural Equation Models using the SAM approach | fsr sam |
Fit Structural Equation Models | sem |
Simulate Data From a Lavaan Model Syntax | simulateData |
Standardized Solution | standardizedSolution standardizedsolution |
Summarizing EFA Fits | efaList print.efaList.summary summary.efaList |
Variable Table | variableTable variabletable varTable vartable |